Friday, May 13, 2011

Delicate (Boadicea the Victorious). PR almighty

Boadicea was a Celtic warrior queen who led tribes on a rampage against Romans. The latter weren’t a bunch of daisies indeed but Madame Boadicea had no qualms about burning roman settlement to the ground all civilians slaughtered or burned alive (women and children included). Roman noble women were treated especially brutally (breasts cut off, bodies impaled on stakes, etc.). The notion of acceptable might have been different 2 millennia ago but the word delicate still looks a bit awkward next to the name of a viciously cruel war leader.

Boadicea the Victorious is a brand with o-so-romantic Celtic aesthetic, rather simple and synthetic compositions and priceless ability of the founder to let everyone know that their perfumes might be on dressing tables of first ladies. It was rumored that something from Boadicea was used by Mrs. Obama, and then ta-da! let it be known that THE bride chose one of the Illuminum’s perfumes (new line from Boadicea founder) for the Royal Wedding.  That is some PR almighty!
Anyway Delicate smells deliciously of raw potato and damp soil (galbanum), strongly of aldehydes and a little bit of cinnamon. It reminds me very much of the 80’s perfume J'ai Ose (Guy Laroche) (long dead both the brand and the perfume). J'ai Ose is by the way also a tribute to a war leader. If anyone remembers the tbottle stopper was a strange shape with its corners going on the side of the bottle. This was the Napoleon’s hat and j'ai оse is something like “I dared!” So if anyone is nostalgic Delicate is a fair approximation of J'ai Ose. And they both feel like decendants of Vol de Nuit.

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